Johns Lake Outfall Study Update

The Johns Lake Outfall Study is nearing completion. A company was hired by Orange County in January 2020 to evaluate the outfall connecting Johns Lake to Lake Apopka. The main elements of the study were to collect data and identify updates to the stormwater management system and drainage basin hydrology, model the stormwater of Johns Lake Basin and establish flood control Levels of Service, and develop alternatives to improve flood control and the capacity of the outfall channel.

A meeting was held on 9/16/20 with Orange County, the Town of Oakland, Johns Lake Improvement Association, and the hired company to go over the watershed lake management alternatives and options for facilitating the maintenance of the channel. Three options were presented and the advantages and disadvantages of each were discussed to gain feedback and input. Not all of the options provided enough relief in the event of a major flood event with unusually high water. The FEMA 100-year elevation of 99.7 maps shows the potential negative impact of very high water to the area. None of the options provide more than 6” of drawdown improvement over 60 days and no decisions were finalized.

Some of the potential challenges include:

  1. Cost – who bears the responsibility for capital and maintenance costs?
  2. Function – options to fund capital improvements and long term, grant possibilities, other agencies?
  3. Options- what other options are there?

The Town of Oakland expressed concerns about their small footprint relative to the overall size of the drainage basin and how whatever is done will affect so many people and properties. Orange County and the Town of Oakland have a Joint Planning agreement to address this topic, but the details have not been finalized.

Action Items and Next Steps:

  1. The hired company will prepare a summary
  2. Present their findings and recommendations to Johns Lake Advisory Board
  3. Discuss recommendations with St. Johns Water Management District to discuss permit requirements
  4. Complete the Final Report

As soon as the options are firmed up, we will share the plan with you.